
Posts Tagged ‘Larry Ellison’

Stuff I’ve Really Wanted To Blog About But Haven’t Had the Time…

December 13th, 2011 1 comment

This is more a post-it note to the Universe simultaneously admitting both blogging bankruptcy as well as my intention to circle back to these reminders and write the damned things:

  1. @embrane launches out of stealth and @ioshints, @etherealmind and @bradhedlund all provide very interesting perspectives on the value proposition of Heleos – their network service virtualization solution. One thing emerges: SDN is the next vocabulary battleground after Cloud and Big Data
  2. With the unintentional assistance of @swardley who warned me about diffusion S-curves and evolution vs. revolution, I announce my plan to launch a new security presentation series around the juxtaposition and overlay of Metcalfe’s + HD Moore’s + (Gordon) Moore’s+ (Geoffrey) Moore’s Laws. I call it the “Composite Calculus of Cloud Computing Causality.”  I’m supposed to add something about Everett Rogers.
  3. Paul Kedrosky posts an interesting graphic reflecting a Gartner/UBS study on cloud revenues through 2015. Interesting on many fronts:
  4. Ah, FedRAMP. I’ve written about it here. @danphilpott does his usual bang-on job summarizing what it means — and what it doesn’t in “New FedRAMP Program: Not Half-Baked but Not Cooked Through”
  5. This Layer7-supplied @owasp presentation by Adam Vincent on Web Services Hacking and Hardening is a good basic introduction to such (PDF.)
  6. via @hrbrmstr, Dan Geer recommends “America the Vulnerable” from Joel Brenner on “the next great battleground; Digital Security.” Good read.
  7. I didn’t know this: @ioshints blogs about the (Cisco) Nexus 1000V and vMotion  Sad summary: you cannot vMotion across two vDS (and thus two NX1KV domains/VSMs).
  8. The AWS patchocalypse causes galactic panic as they issue warnings and schedules associated with the need to reboot images due to an issue that required remediation.  Funny because of how much attention needing to patch a platform can bring when people set their expectations that it won’t happen (or need to.)  Can’t patch that… ;(
  9. @appirio tries to make me look like a schmuck in the guise of a “publicly nominated award for worst individual cloudwasher.” This little gimmick backfires when the Twitterverse exploits holes in the logic of their polling engine they selected and I got over 800,000 votes for first place over Larry Ellison and Steve Ballmer.  Vote for Pedro

More shortly as I compile my list.

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An Ode to Oracle’s Cloud…

September 22nd, 2010 2 comments
Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Try not to be
such an Oracle Hater,
Build a big, honkin’ Cloud:
Exalogic &  -data

It’s fluffy & shiny
it’s new & fantastic
It scales like butta,
cos it’s so damned elastic

It may cost you millions,
but it’ll save you a buck.
Is it really a cloud?
Larry don’t give a f*ck.

It’ll castigate partners
and alienate friends
it’s got unbreakable linux
and it also self-mends

The kernel is magic,
OVM’s where it’s at
Some might disagree,
especially RedHat

Infiniband, ten Gig,
many Sun-powered cores
It’s got enough cycles
for HPC chores

The issue some have,
is Larry’s evil plot
It’s really quite simple,
a mortgage and yacht.

It’s like “War of the Roses,”
‘tween Big O, Salesforce
Gets ugly in the  Valley
when partners divorce

Some CEO’s chide Larry,
and others, they scoff.
Some fire back with venom
like Mark Benioff

It’s a False Cloud, a Non-Cloud
“We’re like A-W-S”
this marketing plan
is one freakin’ mess

Just one file to patch it,
it’s IT on demand.
It’s a mainframe with JBoss,
can’t you understand!?

It’ll take all you can give it,
all you can muster,
It scales from one
to an eight headed cluster

At the end of the day,
from morning to nox
take comfort that Cloud
now comes in a box.

P.S. You may be interested in other little ditties I have scratched into existence, here.

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