
Posts Tagged ‘Hacking Exposed’

Hacking Exposed: Virtualization & Cloud Computing…Feedback Please

January 30th, 2010 26 comments

Craig Balding, Rich Mogull and I are working on a book due out later this year.

It’s the latest in the McGraw-Hill “Hacking Exposed” series.  We’re focusing on virtualization and cloud computing security.

We have a very interesting set of topics to discuss but we’d like to crowd/cloud-source ideas from all of you.

The table of contents reads like this:

Part I: Virtualization & Cloud Computing:  An Overview
Case Study: Expand the Attack Surface: Enterprise Virtualization & Cloud Adoption
Chapter 1: Virtualization Defined
Chapter 2: Cloud Computing Defined

Part II: Smash the Virtualized Stack
Case Study: Own the Virtualized Enterprise
Chapter 3: Subvert the CPU & Chipsets
Chapter 4: Harass the Host, Hypervisor, Virtual Networking & Storage
Chapter 5: Victimize the Virtual Machine
Chapter 6: Conquer the Control Plane & APIs

Part III: Compromise the Cloud
Case Study: Own the Cloud for Fun and Profit
Chapter 7: Undermine the Infrastructure
Chapter 8: Manipulate the Metastructure
Chapter 9: Assault the Infostructure

Part IV: Appendices

We’ll have a book-specific site up shortly, but if you’d like to see certain things covered (technology, operational, organizational, etc.) please let us know in the comments below.

Also, we’d like to solicit a few critical folks to provide feedback on the first couple of chapters. Email me/comment if interested.


/Hoff, Craig and Rich.

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