Visualization Through Virtualization…

June 23rd, 2008 2 comments

I’ve spent quite a bit of time investigating emerging technology solutions for virtualization security (VirtSec) lately.  I’ve made mention of an idea that conceptually didn’t gel until this last week.

I was speaking at TechTarget’s Financial Information Security Decisions show in New York and was paired up in the network workshop with Joel Snyder of Opus One.

Joel was presenting his 5 myths of Information Security and one of the myths was (paraphrasing) that Intrusion Detection solutions don’t detect solutions. 

What Joel went on to suggest is that what IDS solutions actually do is provide one with a perspective visibility across the network; determining what represents an actual "intrusion" is a contextual argument that goes to the efficacy and correlation capabilities of the platform(s.)

This got me thinking along the lines of some of the emerging IDP (intrusion detection and prevention) solutions from emerging vendors in the virtualization space.

Something rather profound but obvious dawned on me.

Given the integration for management of these "security" solutions with the management platforms of the virtualization platform providers AND the operational shift of who was managing the security solutions (see here) really means that these aren’t really virtualization security solutions at all, they are actually vitualization visualization solutions.

Virtualization management platforms provide the configuration and operational telemetry regarding the virtual environment to these solutions which does what most HostSec or NetSec solutions have been unable to do in the past: gain context regarding how the infrastructure the security solutions are protecting are actually configured.

HostSec and NetSec solutions have no context of the solutions outside of the host they are protecting or the network segment/IP address they are connected to respectively.  Not so with VirtSec solutions.

That’s pretty neat when you think of it.  Even though we’re substantially handicapped as to what these solutions can *do* with this capability today (see here) integrating this capability can dramatically and positively affect the way in which "security" administration and analytics manifests themselves over time.

"Yeah, but these are basically the same views someone might get looking at a firewall, IDS or IPS tool today," you might argue.  That’s right, except we already know that server and virtualization administrators (as well as most network folk) don’t have access to those tools…

So in many cases the administrators who will be looking at this information are not "security" folks by trade, so the (and you’ll excuse the wording) dumbing down of this information actually provides a very good perch upon which to troubleshoot and extend the forced simplicity of "checkbox" security in the virtualization platforms to this new class of security administrator.

This may be the first time some of these teams have had access to "security" telemetry of this kind.

In the long term, he challenge will be how, when you have multiple of these solutions, you gain a consolidated view, but the reality is that the NetSec and HostSec admins can use this same view and then click-through into the specific toolset management stacks for finer-grained configuration/analysis. 

This is actually an interesting way to think about how the re-integration of the server admins, network and security teams might become more cohesive operationally in the future…through the same lens of visualizing the environment.

Here are some ideas of what I’m talking about; these are some snapshots of management interfaces of upcoming VirtSec solution providers.  These are random shots of some of the different views of managing virtual appliances…


Blue Lane:



Thanks to Amir-Ben Afraim (Altor,) Greg Ness (Blue Lane,) Michael Berman (Catbird,) and Dave Devalk (Reflex) for getting these images to me.  Also, hat-tip to Joel Snyder for the noodle nudge…


Categories: Virtualization Tags:

Self Healing Intrusion Tolerance…

June 22nd, 2008 1 comment

Tim Greene from Computerworld wrote a story last week titled "Security software makes virtual servers a moving target.

This story draws attention to a story on the same topic that popped up a while ago (see Dark Reading) about some research led by George Mason University professor Arun Sood that is being productized and marketed as "Self Cleansing Intrusion Tolerance (SCIT)"

SCIT is based upon the premise that taking machines (within a virtualized environment) in and out of service rapidly and additionally substituting the underlying operating systems/application combinations reduces the exposure of attack and hastens the remediation/mitigation process by introducing the notion of what Sood calls "security by diversity."

Examples are given in the article suggesting the applicability of application types for SCIT:

SCIT is best suited to servers with short transaction times and has been tested with DNS, Web and single-sign-on servers, he says, which can perform effectively even if each virtual server is in use for just seconds.

In today’s multi-tier, SOA, web2.0, cloud-compute, mashup world, with or without the issue of preservation of state across even short-transactional applications, I’m not sure I see the practical utility in this approach.  The high-level concept, yes, the underlying operational reality…not so much.

Some of you might notice the, um, slightly different comparative version of Sood’s acronym reflecting my opinion of this approach in this blog entry’s title… 😉

I think that SCIT’s underlying principles lend themselves well to the notions I champion of resilient and survivable systems, but I think that the mechanical practicality of the proposed solutions — even within the highly dynamic and agile framework of virtualization — simply aren’t realistic today.

Real-time infrastructure with it’s dynamic orchestration, provisioning, governance, and security is certainly evolving and we might get to the point where heterogeneous systems are autonomously secured based upon global policy definitions up and down the stack, but we are quite some time away from being able to realize this vision.

You will no doubt notice that the focal element of SCIT is the concept of a security-centric perspective on lifecycle management of VM’s.  It’s quite obvious that VM lifecycle management is a hotly-contested topic for which many of the large infrastructure players are battling. 

Security will simply be a piece of this puzzle, not the focus of it.

This is not to say that this solution is not worthy of consideration as we look out across the horizon, and from a timing perspective it will likely surface again given it’s "ahead of it’s deployable time" status but I’m forced to consider what box I’d check in describing SCIT today:

  • Feature
  • Solution
  • Future

Neat stuff, but if you’re going to take investment and productize something, it’s got to be realistically deployable.  I’d suggest that baking this sort of functionality into the virtualization platforms themselves and allowing for universal telemetry (sort of like this) to allow for either "self cleansing intrusion tolerance" or even "self healing intrusion tolerance" is probably a more reasonable concept. 


Categories: Virtualization Tags:

Security Pros Say VirtSec Is An Operations Problem?

June 19th, 2008 14 comments

Mark Gaydos from Tripwire’s blog wrote an interesting article titled "Ops or Security: Who’s Responsible for Securing Virtualization?"  The outcome is pretty much inline with my prior points that the biggest challenges we have in virtualization are operational and organizational rather than technical.

To wit, I quoteth from Mark’s post:

Tripwire recently performed a 25 question survey on virtualization security.  Respondents broke down 78%/22% between management and administrator/staff respectively.  We will be publishing a report around this survey in the next two weeks. 

However, one of the interesting points that came out of the survey was that respondents feel that the operations team is responsible for securing a virtualized environment (almost two thirds of the respondents felt this way).  This includes over half of the actual  “security” personnel who took the survey who feel operations has this responsibility. 

That’s right!  Over half of the people covering security who responded to the survey said operations needs to secure virtual systems and not them.

My question is why?  Does security not want to deal with virtualization?  Do personnel feel that operations is closer to virtualization and they understand the issues?  Does security just want to wash their hands of the issue?  Or is management just leaning towards having operations handle everything around virtualization?

However, I wonder how much Mark read into the security personnel’s answers inasmuch as he suggests that they do "…not want to deal with virtualization" versus perhaps the fact that they don’t actually have the visibility or access to the tools to do so!*

Responsibility versus desire are two very different things!

Managing the "security" of virtualized environments today really centers around the deployments of virtual appliances and the configuration of the vSwitches.  That means in a VMware environment, you have to have access and rights via Virtualcenter.  The same is true in terms of Xen derivatives; if you don’t have access to configure and provision the networking and VM’s, you’re done.

Security in virtualized environments today is literally often thought of as a checkbox or two in a GUI somewhere.  (All things considered, it would be great to be able to realize that one day…)

Just like security folks have locked server and network admins out of *their* firewalls and IPS’s, and as network folks have done the same in *their* routers and switches, virtual SysAdmins have done the same in *their* virtual server environments.  If you don’t have access to the VM command and control, you can’t manage the security bits and pieces bolted onto it.

I don’t think it’s that the security folks *want* to surrender the responsibility, I think it’s that they never had it in the first place the moment the V-word entered the picture.

It ain’t rocket science.  It ain’t voodoo.  It ain’t a tectonic buck-passing conspiracy.  It’s access, separation of duties (by force,) visibility and capability, plain and simple.


*Update: Per Amrit’s excellent comments, I look forward to Tripwire releasing the report to gain clarity on the question(s) asked as it begs the point as to whether the answers Mark refers to were in regards to the mechanical operationalization of security (the "doing" part) or the policy, strategy, audit and monitoring  tasks.  Are we talking about "security management" in general or "security operations?"

In either circumstance the "security" team is — based upon my observation from feedback — being left out of both.

Categories: Virtualization Tags:

Verizon Business 2008 Data Breach Investigations Report

June 12th, 2008 14 comments

This is an excellent report culled from over four years and 500 forensic investigations performed by the Verizon Business RISK team.

There are some very interesting statistics presented in this report that may be very eye-opening to many (italicized comments added by me):

Who is behind data breaches?
73% resulted from external sources  <– So much for "insider risk trumps all"
18% were caused by insiders
39% implicated business partners
30% involved multiple parties

How do breaches occur?
62% were attributed to a significant error  <– Change control is as important as
59% resulted from hacking and intrusions   <– compensating controls
31% incorporated malicious code
22% exploited a vulnerability
15% were due to physical threats

What commonalities exist?
66%  involved data the victim did not know was on the system <– Know thy data/where it is!
75%  of breaches were not discovered by the victim  <– Manage and monitor!
83%  of attacks were not highly difficult
85%  of breaches were the result of opportunistic attacks
87%  were considered avoidable through reasonable controls <– So why aren’t they used?

Very, very interesting…

You can get the report free of charge here.


*Update: I’ve read quite a few bristling reviews of this document.  Some claim it doesn’t go far enough to describe how VzB collected and sampled the data and from whom.  Others suggest it’s FUD and obviously just meant to generate business for VzB.

It’s true we don’t know who the customers were.  We don’t necessarily know which segments of industry they came from or how big/small they were.  It’s not authored by a disinterested party.  Got it.

I guarantee that some of people who are amongst those being critical of the report will bitch about it and then use this data just like they have the FBI/CERT data over the years…

Take the report on face value and map it against others to see how it lines up.

This is not the definitive work on breaches, for sure, but it’s an interesting and useful data point to consider when exploring trending as well as for use in strategic planning in assessing your security program and preparing for an inevitable breach. 

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Notes from the IBM Global Innovation Outlook: Security and Society

June 12th, 2008 No comments

This week I had the privilege to attend IBM’s Global Innovation Outlook in Chicago which focused this go-round on the topic of security and society.   This was the last in the security and society series with prior sessions held in Moscow, Berlin, and Tokyo.

The mission of the GIO is as follows:

The GIO is rooted in the belief that if we are to surface the truly revolutionary innovations of our time, the ones that will change the world for the better, we are going to need everyone’s help. So for the past three years IBM has gathered together the brightest minds on the planet — from the worlds of business, politics, academia, and non-profits – and challenged them to work collaboratively on tackling some of the most vexing challenges on earth. Healthcare, the environment, transportation.

We do this through a global series of open and candid conversations called “deep dives.” These deep dives are typically done on location. Already, 25 GIO deep dives have brought together more than 375 influencers from three dozen countries on four continents. But this year we’re taking the conversation digital, and I’m going to help make that happen.

The focus on security and society seeks to address the following:

The 21st Century has brought with it a near total redefining of the notion of security. Be it identity theft, border security, or corporate espionage, the security of every nation, business, organization and individual is in constant flux thanks to sophisticated technologies and a growing global interdependence. All aspects of security are being challenged by both large and small groups — even individuals — that have a disruptive capability disproportionate to their size or resources.

At the same time, technology is providing unprecedented ways to sense and deter theft and other security breaches.  Businesses are looking for innovative ways to better protect their physical and digital assets, as well as the best interests of their customers. Policy makers are faced with the dilemma of enabling socioeconomic growth while mitigating security threats. And each of us is charged with protecting ourselves and our assets in this rapidly evolving, increasingly confusing, global security landscape.

The mixture of skill sets, backgrounds, passions and agendas of those in attendance was intriguing and impressive.  Some of the folks we had in attendance were:

  • Michael Barrett, the CISO of PayPal
  • Chris Kelly, the CPO of Facebook
  • Ann Cavoukian, the Information & Privacy Commissioner or Ontario
  • Dave Trulio, special assistant to the president/homeland security council
  • Carol Rizzo, CTO of Kaiser Permanente
  • Mustaque Ahamad, Director, Georgia Tech Information Security Center
  • Julie Ferguson, VP of Emerging Technology, Debix
  • Linda Foley, Founder of the Identity Theft Resource Center
  • Andrew Mack, Director, Human Security Report Project, Simon Fraser University

The 24 of us with the help of a moderator spent the day discussing, ideating and debating various elements of security and society as we clawed our way through pressing issues and events both current and some focused on the future state.

What was interesting to me — but not necessarily surprising — was that the discussions almost invariably found their way back to the issue of privacy, almost to the exclusion of anything else.

I don’t mean to suggest that privacy is not important — far from it — but I found that it became a blackhole into which much of the potential for innovation became gravitationally lured.   Security is, and likely always will be, at odds in a delicate (or not so) struggle with the need for privacy and it should certainly not take a back seat. 

However, given what we experienced, where privacy became the "yeah, but" that almost stunted discussions of innovation from starting, one might play devil’s advocate (and I did) and ask how we balance the issues at hand.  It was interesting to poke and prod to hear people’s reactions.

Given the workup of many of the attendees it’s not hard to see why things trended in this direction, but I don’t think we ever really got into the mode of discussing the solutions in lieu of being focused on the problems.

I certainly was responsible for some of that as Dan Briody, the event’s official blogger, highlighted a phrase I used to apologize in advance for some of the more dour aspects of what I wanted to ground us all with when I said “I know this conversation is supposed to be about rainbows and unicorns, but the Internet is horribly, horribly broken."

My goal was to ensure we talked about the future whilst also being mindful of the past and present — I didn’t expect we’d get stuck there, however.  I was hopeful that we could get past the way things were/are in the morning and move to the way things could be in the afternoon, but it didn’t really materialize.

There was a shining moment, as Dan wrote in the blog, that I found as the most interesting portion of the discussion, and it came from Andrew Mack.  Rather than paraphrase, I’m going to quote from Dan who summed it up perfectly:

Andrew Mack, the Director of the Human Security Report Project at the Simon Fraser University School for International Studies in Vancouver has a long list of data that supports the notion that, historically speaking, the planet is considerably more secure today than at any time. For example, the end of colonialism has created a more stable political environment. Likewise, the end of the Cold War has removed one of the largest sources of ideological tension and aggression from the global landscape. And globalization itself is building wealth in developing countries, increasing income per capita, and mitigating social unrest.

All in all, Mack reasons, we are in a good place. There have been sharp declines in political violence, global terrorism, and authoritarian states. Human nature is to worry. And as such, we often believe that the most dangerous times are the ones in which we live. Not true. Despite the many current and gathering threats to our near- and long-term security, we are in fact a safer, more secure global society.

I really wished we were able to spend more time exploring deeper these social issues in balance with the privacy and technology elements that dominated the discussion and actually unload the baggage to start thinking about novel ways of dealing with things 5 or 10 years out.

My feedback would be to split the sessions into two-day events.  Day one could be spent framing the problem sets and exploring the past and present.  This allows everyone to clearly define the problem space.  Day two would then focus on clearing the slate and mindmapping the opportunities for innovation and change to solve the challenges defined in day one.

In all, it was a great venue and I met some fantastic people and had great conversation.  I plan to continue to stay connected and work towards proposing and crafting solutions to some of the problems we discussed.

I hope I made a difference in a good way.


Categories: Innovation Tags:

Is There a Difference Between Data LOSS and Data LEAKAGE Prevention?

June 7th, 2008 21 comments

I was reading Stuart King’s blog entry titled "Is Data Loss Prevention Really Possible?"

Besides a very interesting and reasonable question to ask, I was also intrigued by a difference I spotted between the title of his article and the first sentence in the body.

Specifically, in the title Stuart asked if "Data Loss Prevention [is] Really Possible?" but in the body he asked if it "…is really possible to prevent data leakage?"

In my opinion, data loss and data leakage are two different issues, albeit with some degree of subtlety. I’m interested in your position.

I will explanin my opinion via an update here once folks comment so as to not color the outcome.

What’s your opinion?  Loss versus leakage?  Talk amongst yourselves.


Categories: DLP Tags:

Get Tripwire’s ConfigCheck For VMware ESX…

June 7th, 2008 4 comments

From my good friends over at Tripwire…

I haven’t been able to try ConfigCheck out myself yet, but reports from a couple of trusted sources have suggested it’s a fantastically useful tool, and you can’t beat the price as it’s FREE!

Tripwire® ConfigCheckTM is a free utility that rapidly assesses the security of VMware ESX 3.5 hypervisor configurations compared to the VMware Infrastructure 3 Security Hardening guidelines. Developed by Tripwire in cooperation with VMware, Tripwire ConfigCheck ensures ESX environments are properly configured—offering immediate insight into unintentional vulnerabilities in virtual environments—and provides the necessary steps towards full remediation when they are not.

If I have time next week, I plan to give this a whirl, but I’d suggest that if you’ve already implemented VMware or are planning to, you should make use of a utility such as this…until it’s bundled into the platforms themselves 😉

Get your copy here.

Good move by Tripwire.

Categories: Virtualization Tags:

Don’t Hassle the Hoff: Recent Press & Podcast Coverage & Upcoming Speaking Engagements

June 5th, 2008 12 comments

Here are some of the recent press coverage on topics relevant to content on my blog:


I am confirmed to  speak at the following upcoming events:


Categories: Press, Speaking Engagements Tags:

Security Will Not End Up In the Network…

June 3rd, 2008 9 comments

It’s not the destination, it’s the journey, stupid.

You can’t go a day without reading from the peanut gallery that it is
"…inevitable that network security will eventually be subsumed into
the network fabric."  I’m not picking on Rothman specifically, but he’s been banging this drum loudly of late.

For such a far-reaching, profound and prophetic statement, claims like these are strangely myopic and inaccurate..and then they’re exactly right.


Firstly, it’s sort of silly and obvious to trumpet that "network security" will end up in the "network."  Duh.  What’s really meant is that "information security" will end up in the network, but that’s sort of goofy, too. You’ll even hear that "host-based security" will end up in the network…so let’s just say that what’s being angled at here is that security will end up in the network.

These statements are often framed within a temporal bracket
that simply ignores the bigger picture and reads like a eulogy.  The reality is that historically
we have come to accept that security and technology are
cyclic and yet we continue to witness these terminal predictions defining an end state for security that has never arrived and never will.

Let me make plain my point: there is no final resting place for where and how security will "end up."

I’m visual, so let’s reference a very basic representation of my point.  This graph represents the cyclic transition over time of where and how
we invest in security.

We ultimately transition between host-based security,
information-centric security and network security over time. 

We do this little
shuffle based upon the effectiveness and maturity of technology,
economics, cultural, societal and regulatory issues and the effects of disruptive innovation.  In reality, this
isn’t a smooth sine wave at all, it’s actually more a classic dampened
oscillation ala the punctuated equilibrium theory I’ve spoken about
, but it’s easier to visualize this way.


Our investment strategy and where security is seen as being "positioned" reverses direction over time and continues ad infinitum.  This has proven itself time and time again yet we continue to be wowed by the prophetic utterances of people who on the one hand talk about these never-ending cycles and yet on the other pretend they don’t exist by claiming the "death" of one approach over another. 


To answer that let’s take a look at how the cyclic pendulum effect of our focus on
security trends from the host to the information to the network and
back again by analyzing the graph above. 

  1. If we take a look at the arbitrary "starting" point indicated by the "You Are Here" dot on the sine wave above, I suggest that over the last 2-3 years or so we’ve actually headed away from the network as the source of all things security.   

    There are lots of reasons for this; economic, ideological, technological, regulatory and cultural.  If you want to learn more about this, check out my posts on how disruptive Innovation fuels strategic transience.

    In short, the network has not been able to (and never will) deliver the efficacy, capabilities or
    cost-effectiveness desired to secure us from evil, so instead we look at
    actually securing the information itself.  The security industry messaging of late is certainly bearing testimony to that fact.  Check out this year’s RSA conference…

  2. As we focus then on information centricity, we see the resurgence of ERM, governance and compliance come into focus.  As policies proliferate, we realize that this is really hard and we don’t have effective and ubiquitous data
    classification, policy affinity and heterogeneous enforcement capabilities.  We shake our heads at the ineffectiveness of the technology we have and hear the cries of pundits everywhere that we need to focus on the things that really matter…

    In order to ensure that we effectively classify data at the point of creation, we recognize that we can’t do this automagically and we don’t have standardized schemas or metadata across structured and unstructured data, so we’ll look at each other, scratch our heads and conclude that the applications and operating systems need modification to force fit policy, classification and enforcement.

    Rot roh.

  3. Now that we have the concept of policies and classification, we need the teeth to ensure it, so we start to overlay emerging technology solutions on the host in applications and via the OS’s that are unfortunately non-transparent and affect the users and their ability to get their work done.  This becomes labeled as a speed bump and we grapple with how to make this less impacting on the business since security has now slowed things down and we still have breaches because users have found creative ways of bypassing technology constraints in the name of agility and efficiency…
  4. At this point, the network catches up in its ability to process closer to "line
    speed," and some of the data classification functionality from the host commoditizes into the "network" — which by then is as much in the form of appliances as it is routers and switches — and always
    will be.   So as we round this upturn focusing again on being "information centric," with the help of technology, we seek to use our network investment to offset impact on our users.
  5. Ultimately, we get the latest round of "next generation" network solutions which promise to deliver us from our woes, but as we "pass go and collect $200" we realize we’re really at the same point we were at point #1.

‘Round and ’round we go.

So, there’s no end state.  It’s a continuum.  The budget and operational elements of who "owns" security and where it’s implemented simply follow the same curve.  Throw in disruptive innovation such as virtualization, and the entire concept of the "host" and the "network" morphs and we simply realize that it’s a shift in period on the same graph.

So all this pontification that it is "…inevitable that network security will eventually be subsumed into
the network fabric" is only as accurate as what phase of the graph you reckon you’re on.  Depending upon how many periods you’ve experienced, it’s easy to see how some who have not seen these changes come and go could be fooled into not being able to see the forest for the trees.

Here’s the reality we actually already know and should not come to you as a surprise if you’ve been reading my blog: we will always need a blended investment in technology, people and process in order to manage our risk effectively.  From a technology perspective, some of this will take the form of controls embedded in the information itself, some will come from the OS and applications and some will come from the network.

Anyone who tells you differently has something to sell you or simply needs a towel for the back of his or her ears…


Rachel Ray Is A Terrorist, Sponsored By Osama Bin Doughnut…

May 31st, 2008 15 comments

Talk about your weapons of mass distortion!  As much as I detest Rachel Ray, her proclivity for abbreviating ingredient names, and her lack of actual mad chef skillz, this is absolutely retarded.

The Chicago Tribune reports that Dunkin’ Donuts, for whom Ray is a spokesperson, has pulled an advertisement featuring her EVOO-ness because some nut job — Michelle Malkin — suggested that the scarf she was wearing in the commercial looked like a "jihadi (chic) keffiyeh" worn as traditional garb by Palestinians:

Dunkin’ Donuts has canceled an online advertisement featuring celebrity chef Rachael Ray after complaints that a scarf she wore in the ad offers symbolic support for terrorism.

Dunkin’ Donuts said Wednesday it pulled the ad over the weekend because of what it calls a "misperception" about the scarf that detracted from its original intent to promote its iced coffee.

Critics, including conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, complained that the scarf appeared to be traditional garb worn by Arab men. The ad’s critics say such scarves have come to symbolize Muslim extremism and terrorism.


Malkin decided to describe Ray’s choice of accessory as "hate couture."  Unbelievable.

Well, I guess I’ll have to go back to drinking Starbucks since consuming DD iced coffees is obviously the equivalent of state-sponsored (or at least costumed) terrorism.

Land of the free, indeed…


Categories: Jackassery Tags: