
Archive for the ‘Virtualization Security’ Category

The VM Mobility Myth

April 25th, 2009 11 comments

It finally dawned on me that if I have a few hundred to a thousand people sitting in front of me at one of my presentations, I should take advantage of that collective intelligence to perform a little selfish information gathering.

I’ve had an opinion for quite some time that the rampant squawking and generalizations regarding hyper-mobility suggesting VM sprawl and uncontrolled instance spawning was nothing more than FUD given where we are today with the technology and platforms that supposedly enable it.

We constantly hear how organizations big and small are suffering (or will) from the evils of virtualization by way of VM’s and information turning up everywhere, putting your data and assets at risk. It gets worse with the multi-tenancy issues surrounding moving to “The Cloud,” they say.

So in a couple of my panels at RSA, I asked for some sanity and fact checking.

Informally, 95% of those in attendance at the two RSA panels I engaged run VMware in production. I asked that in cases OTHER than failure, how many of those in the audience take advantage of VM mobility (such as VMotion) or some other technological capability to provide autonomic mobility of VM’s in their enterprises.

About 5 people (in crowds of 100+ and 500+ respectively) raised their hands.  Given that I asked this question the second time in front of a huge audience at RSA sitting next to the CTO’s of Citrix and VMware, I’m sure they were pretty surprised by the answer, too.

The reality is that in these environments — even extremely complex and large examples — there simply isn’t that much mobility and customers are more interested in resilience than they are agility in terms of what this feature brings. That’s a really interesting and important point.

The reason for this is pretty simple; the capability to provide for integrated networking and virtualization coupled with governance and autonomics simply isn’t mature at this point. Most people are simply replicating existing zoned/perimertized non-virtualized network topologies in their consolidated virtualized environments and waiting for the platforms to catch up. We’re really still seeing the effects of what virtualization is doing to the classical core/distribution/access design methodology as it relates to how shackled much of this mobility is to critical components like DNS and IP addressing and layer 2 VLANs.  See Greg Ness and Lori Macvittie’s scribblings.

Furthermore, Workload distribution is simply impractical for anything other than monolithic stacks because the virtualization platforms, the applications and the networks aren’t at a point where from a policy or intelligence perspective they can easily and reliably self-orchestrate.

Don’t get me wrong, autonomics and business process/governance feedback loops are most definitely coming — and are absolutely required for Cloud — but they’re not here and not used much today.  This is the hard stuff we’ve skipped over because it’s really freaking hard.  Don’t believe me?  See how long folks like HP have been at their “Adaptive Enterprise” solutions.  That’s why unified fabrics make so much sense; you can get your arms around automating much, much more with a consistent set of enforceable policies and SLAs.

So the next time someone brings up this epidemic of runaway VM’s, ask them to kindly provide you with empirical data demonstrating such as just because it *might* happen, doesn’t mean it *does* happen.

So much of the purported risks associated with virtualization and Cloud are things based on what might happen. There’s a huge difference between possibility and probability. One of them is used for prudent analysis and risk assessment, the other for selling you something. I’ll let you figure out which is which.

The management, visibility and security tools and capabilities are arriving on our doorsteps. When and if this sort of problem actually becomes a problem, it’s quite likely we’ll have a good set of solutions to deal with it.

Until then, challenge these assertions and fears, and ask for proof not pandering to panic.

OVF: The Root Of All Evil. We Must Exterminate It NOW!

April 17th, 2009 4 comments

Today I was rudely interrupted from my Cyber-dopamine-drip as I hungrily anticipated Oprah’s next tweet such that I might become complete.

My Google reader flashed its welcome yellow folder highlight as it indicated an RSS feed had been tickled.

Little did I know this pollen-tinted shimmer would bring such discord to what was shaping up otherwise to be a perfectly lovely spring day.

agentmaxwellIt seems the singularity is upon us as chronicled by Kris Buytaert in his post titled: On the Dangers of OVF.

It’s not often that I’m awe-struck into silence, but if you read this, I am convinced you will draw your own conclusions:

Usually I`m all in favour of Open Standards that are supported by different parties, and the Open Virtual Machine Format (OVF) pretty much matches these requirements.
The last Virtualbox has support for it, Simon is telling about it being part of the new XenConvert v2 Tech Preview .
However, Reuven wonders why it hasn’t gained widespread adoption yet.

Here’s my take, .. I`m not in favour of a standard as OVF that provides an easy way to transfer packaged virtual machine instance between different platforms.

Why ? Because I don’t think transferring full images of Virtual machines around is a good idea, not on 1 platform, not on different platforms.
And I`m not the only one with that opinion.

A Virtual Machine image is the perfect vehicle for malware in your network … some prepares an image for you , you run it on your network, and you set loose the devil, who knows it does a networkscan in the background and sends the info

OVF is a good breeding area for VM Image Sprawl,the effect you get when the number of images you have grows beyond what you can easily maintain, and this time it can grow beyond the people only using proprietary software , where as Image Sprawl used to be a disease mostly diagnosed within the VMWare usergroups and sysdamins with no clue on large scale deployments OVF

Sure OVF will assist smooth migration between different platforms so vendors want to keep it as far away from their users as possible, but people that already have a platform agnostic deployment framework in place don’t really need to worry about deploying on different platforms.

<Silence punctuated only by the sounds of me choking on my own tongue>

Sigh.  It must be WTF Friday.


HyTrust: An Elegant Solution To a Messy Problem

April 6th, 2009 8 comments

logo_hytrust I had a pre-release briefing with the folks from HyTrust on Friday and was impressed with their solution.  I had previously met with the VC’s within whose portfolio HyTrust sits and they were bullish on the team and technology approach.  Here’s why.

  “Security” solutions in virtualized environments are becoming less about “pure” security functions like firewalls and IDP and much more focused on increasing the management and visibility of virtualization and keeping pace with the velocity of change, configuration control and compliance.  I’ve talked about that a lot recently.

HyTrust approaches this problem in a very elegant manner. Their approach is based on the old adage “you cannot manage that which you cannot see.”  

In the case of VMware, there are numerous vectors for managing and configuring the platform; from the various host and platform management interfaces to the guests and virtual networking components.

There are many tools on the market which address these issues. Reflex, Third Brigade and Catbird come to mind with the latter being the most similar.

The difference between HyTrust and their competitors is how they integrate their solution to provide visibility and protect the management network.  

HyTrust’s answer is to both physically and logically sit in front of the the virtualization platform management network and actually proxy each configuration request, whether that’s an SSH session to the service console, or a VirtualCenter configuration
change through the GUI. 

These requests are mapped to roles which are in turn authenticated against an Enterprises’ Active Directory service so fine-grained role-based access to specific functions via templates can be performed. Further, since every request is proxied, logging is robust and can be mapped back directly to a single user.

The policy engine and templates appear quite easy to use given the demo I saw and the logging and reporting looks good.

Actions that violate policy can be allowed or permitted and can either be simply logged or even remediated should a violation occur.

This centralized approach is very elegant. It has its downsides, of course, inasmuch as it becomes a single point of failure and performance and high-availability should be paid close attention to.

 The HyTrust offering will be available as both a hardware appliance as well as a virtual appliance. They will also release what they call a FREE “Community Edition” which is a full-featured version but is limited to securing three VMware ESX hosts.

Check them out here.


Categories: Virtualization Security, VMware Tags:

Pimping My Friends: Joshua Corman on Virtualization Security

March 29th, 2009 1 comment
Josh Corman - Virtualization Security Tutorial

Josh Corman - Virtualization Security Tutorial

Joshua Corman is IBM/ISS’ Principal Security Strategist and a longtime friend.

Josh has a great virtualization security tutorial up at the Internet Evolution “macro-site.”

I like the layout and functionality as well as the content; there is a ton of great information here.

Check it out.
