Here is some of the recent coverage from the last month or so on topics relevant to content on my blog, presentations and speaking engagements. No particular order or priority and I haven’t kept a good record, unfortunately.
Press/Technology & Security eZines/Website/Blog Coverage/Meaningful Links:
Recent Speaking Engagements/Confirmed to speak at the following upcoming events:
- Enterprise Architecture Conference, D.C.
- Intel Security Summit 2009, Hillsboro OR
- SecTor 2009, Toronto CA
- EMC Innovation Forum, Franklin MA
- NY Technology Forum, NY, NY
- Microsoft Bluehat v9, Redmond WA
- Office of the Comptroller & Currency, San Antonio TX
- Intercloud Working Group, GooglePlex CA 😉
- CSC Leading Edge Forum, VA
- DojoCon, VA
I also forgot to thank Eric Siebert for putting together the VMware Top 20 blog list and putting me on it as well as the fact that Rational Survivability made the Datamation 2009 Top 200 Tech Blogs list.
Categories: A6, Career, Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Cloud Security Alliance, Conferences, Microsoft, Podcasts, Presentations, Press, Security Conferences, Speaking Engagements, Travel, Virtualization, Virtualization Security Tags: Cloud, Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Cloud Security Alliance, Cloud Security Podcast
I’m off to Munich for the rest of this week to keynote day two of Troopers08, hosted by my friend Enno Rey and the team at ERNW.
My talk is titled "Virtualization: Floor Wax, Dessert Topping and the End of Information Security As We Know It."
I’m sure I’m going to get hassled because I didn’t finish my VRRP fuzzing parameters for SPIKE before the weenies @ ERNW did (OK, I have an excuse — I didn’t even start) but it’s bound to be a great conference and a good time.
I got this email from Enno yesterday. He’s German and thus obviously quite serious about this:
For those interested:
a) there will be a 10K (kilometers) run in the morning of 04/23 and 04/24, at 7 AM each. no competing here, just get some fresh air (planned time: 60 minutes). We’ve not yet figured out the exact route, given it’s airport area there shouldn’t be too many hills or stuff.
If you want to run on 04/25 or have a "double round" one of the days, pls drop me personal note.
b) the hotel seems to have a decent gym. We asked them to have it open 24h during the con and they confirmed this.
The friggin’ beer capital of the Universe and he wants us to run 10Km in the morning.
Yeah, right.
I’m looking for a local Brazilian Jiu Jitsu acacdemy, however…
Catch you all on the flipside…so long as the German customs officers don’t realize that MacOS X comes with NMAP which we all *know* is a hacking tool…<gulp!>
After Mogull and my presentation tomorrow @ SOURCEBoston, I’m bolting to Logan to catch the first leg of travel that amounts to 27 hours in transit to my sister’s wedding in New Zealand.
I’m making sacrifices to the travel gods this evening that I catch my connector in L.A., else I’m noodles.
I haven’t seen my sister and her brood in quite some time, so I reckoned why not punctuate a lengthy period of absence by walking her down the "aisle" a continent or so away?
I use the term "aisle" loosely as it’s really likely something akin to an oceanic garden path. You see, she’s getting hitched on one of New Zealand’s beautiful north island iron-based black sand beaches. You may have seen the cheap imitations in Hawaii (they’re ground fresh for the tourists daily, )but It’s been far too long since I’ve curled my toes in the onyx bits of old earth.
I grew up in New Zealand and I haven’t been back for any reasonable visit in more than 10 years except for the occasional stop-over on the way to the Rock (Australia.)
So, I’ll likely be off the air until next Tuesday because I’ll be reconnecting with my family, my adopted Maori roots, and my favorite Kiwi beer. When I come back, I’ll likely be speaking funny. I’m sure you’ll understand.
For some reason, I’m guessing the world will go on without me.
I just hope Mogull doesn’t try an subvert my sprinkler system. That probably came out wrong on SO many fronts…but I don’t have time to explain…
Right, so I’m in the UK from the 25th to the 27th. I’ll be tagging my usual suspects, but if you’re up for something in the evening, send me an email [choff @ packetfilter.com] or call my call router and it will find me:
I’ll be in San Francisco starting Sunday (2/3/08) around midday. I’ll be in the bar @ the Hotel Nikko watching the Pats annihilate the Giants…
I’ll be presenting at the InfoWorld Executive Virtualization Forum on Monday and then be
visiting various folks throughout the Sunnyvale, San Jose and Los Altos area. I’m leaving on Thursday (2/7/08.)
Most of my appointments are during the day, so if you’re around and want to grab a drink/dinner,
send me an email (choff [@] packetfilter.com) or call my call router (it will find me) @ 978.631.0302

I’ll be off today to Scotland, the UK and ultimately France for almost a week.
There’s a really interesting conference taking place at our center in St. Paul de Vence (France) regarding the Consumerization of IT.
You’ll recall that this is one of the topics covered in my "Embracing Disruptive Innovation" deck.
In fact, that’s what I’m going to be speaking about; the ramifications and implications that the consumerization of IT is having on enterprise security.
Back the night before Turkey Day so that missus isn’t too wound up! 😉
Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone.
Let’s hope the Windy City isn’t as windy as Beantown is thanks to that hurricane from the Carribean. I’m digging the car out from under what leaves haven’t already fallen. The forecast for Chicago showed <gasp!> snow on Tuesday.
I’ll be in Chicago Sunday-Monday, speaking at the TechTarget Information Security Decisions conference.
Ping me: hoff [at] packetfilter.com or +1.978.631.0302

Hey gang.
I’m off to VMWorld 2007 this coming week.
I’ll unfortunately miss the first day on the 11th, but will be there the 12th and 13th.
I’m really surprised and saddened by the apparent lack of security practitioner participation (by informal poll) — there are reportedly 10,000 attendees at this show, and given then impact virtualization is already having and will continue to have on our industry, I am surprised we won’t see more of you there.
When Cisco’s Chambers is keynoting, it’s likely somewhere you ought attend because it means something big is occurring, just in case you haven’t read those smoke signals before.
Ah well, guess it’s all up to me 😉
Any of you who may be attending, give me a ping via eMail; comes to my phone.
See you there!
Off to Vegas for BlackHat and DEFCON for all of next week.
I’ll be there from Sunday (7/29) to Saturday (8/4)
What happens in Vegas will unfortunately, undoubtedly and unnecessarily NOT stay in Vegas because the FOIA and celebrity mugshots always undermines by best intentions. A blog plea for bail money doesn’t help, either.
If you’re going to be there (and if you’re not, why not?) then hook up with The Hoff and his merry band of "InfoSec Professionals." Give me a ping via email ( choff [@] packetfilter [dot] com ) or SMS/Call +1.978.349.8882
If you can’t find us, look for the smoke, sirens and g00n squad.

I’m traveling to NorCal and Utah this week for customer visits and then off to the UK and then speak at the I4 forum in Milan, Italy.
I’ll be thinking of you all over a bowl of penne and lovely Barolo. Ciao!
If you’re in the area, ping me.
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