On Puppy Farm Vendors, Petco and The Remarkable Analog To Security Consultancies/Integrators…
Imagine you are part of a company in the “Pet Industry.” Let’s say dogs, specifically.
Imagine further that regardless of whether you work on the end that feeds the dog, provides services focused on grooming the dog, sells accessories for the dog, actually breeds and raises the dog or deals with cleaning up what comes out the other end of the dog, that you also simultaneously spend your time offering your opinions on how much you despise the dog industry.
Now, either you’re being refreshingly honest, or you’re simply being shrewd about which end of the mutt you’re targeting your services toward — and sometimes it’s both ends and the middle — but you’re still a part of the dog industry.
And we all know it’s a dog-eat-dog world…in the Pet business as it is in the Security business. Which ironically illustrates the cannibalistic nature of being in the security industry whilst trying to distance oneself by juxtaposing the position of the security community.
Claiming to be a Dog Whisperer in an industry of other aimless people shouting and clapping loudly whilst looking to perpetuate bad dog-breeding practices so they can sell across the supply chain is an interesting tactic. However, yelling “BAD DOG!” and wondering why it continues to eat your slippers doesn’t change behavior.
You can’t easily dismantle and industry but you can offer better training, solutions or techniques to make a difference.
Either way, there’s a lot of tail wagging and crap to clean up.
Lots to consider in this little analog. For everyone.
P.S. @bmkatz points us all to this amazing resource you may find useful.
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