George Carlin, Lenny Bruce & The Unspeakable Seven Dirty Words of Cloud Security
- Cover of George Carlin
I have an upcoming cloud security presentation in which I map George Carlin’s “Seven Dirty Words” to Cloud Security challenges. This shall accompany my presentation at the Cloud Security Alliance Summit at the RSA Conference titled: Commode Computing: Relevant Advances In Toiletry – From Squat Pots to Cloud Bots – Waste Management Through Security Automation”
I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader to relate my 7 dirty words to George’s originals:
Of course I could have modeled the talk after Lenny Bruce’s original nine dirty words that spawned George’s, but seven of nine appealed to the geek in me.
P.S. George looks remarkably like Vint Cerf in that picture above…uncanny.
Categories: Uncategorized
Holy Crap – you even matched the first letters. Impressive!