
Archive for March, 2009

Cloud Computing Not Ready For Prime Time?

March 9th, 2009 4 comments

I just read another in a never-ending series of articles that takes a polarized view of Cloud Computing and its readiness for critical applications and data.

In the ComputerWorld article titled "Cloud computing not ready for critical apps,", Craig Steadman and Patrick Thibodeau present some very telling quotes from CIO's of some large enterprises regarding their reticence toward utilizing "Cloud Computing" and it's readiness for their mission critical needs.

The reasons are actually quite compelling, and I speak to them (and more) in my latest Cloud Computing presentation which I am giving at Source Boston this week:


Reliability, availability and manageability are all potential show-stoppers for the CIO's in this article, but these are issues of economic and adoptive context that don't present the entire picture. 

What do I mean?

At the New England Cloud Computing Users' Group, a Cloud-based startup called Pixily presented on their use of Amazon's AWS services. They painted an eye-opening business case which detailed the agility and tremendous cost savings that the "Cloud" offers.  "The Cloud" provides them with reduced time-to-market, no up-front capital expenditures and allows them to focus on their core competencies. 

All awesome stuff.

I asked them about how their use of AWS and what amounted to a sole-source service provider did to their disaster recovery, redundancy/resiliency and risk management processes.  They had to admit that the day they went live with feature coverage on the front page of several newspapers also happened to be the day that Amazon suffered an 8 hour outage, and thus, so did they.

Now, for a startup, the benefits often outweigh the risks associated for downtime and vendor lock-in. For an established enterprise with cutthroat service levels, regulatory pressures and demanding customers who won't/can't tolerate outages, this is not the case.

Today we're suffering from issues surrounding the fact that emerging offerings in Cloud Computing are simply not mature if what you're looking for involves the holistic and cohesive management, reliability, resilience and transparency across suppliers of Cloud services.

We will get there as adoption increases and businesses start to lean on providers to create and adopt standards that answer the issues above, but today if you're an enterprise who needs five 9's, you may come to the same conclusion as the CIO's in the CW article.  If you're an SME/SMB/Startup, you may find everything you need in the Cloud.

It's important, however, to keep a balanced, realistic and contextual perspective when addressing Cloud Computing and its readiness — and yours — for critical applications.  Polarizing the discussion to one hyperbolic end or the other is not really helpful.


Categories: Cloud Computing, Cloud Security Tags:

If Virtualization is a Religion, Does That Make Cloud a Cult?

March 9th, 2009 No comments

I had just finished reading Virtual Gipsy's post titled "VMware as religion" when my RSS reader featured a referential post from VM/ETC's Rich titled "vTheology: the study of virtualization as religion."

While I appreciated the humor surrounding the topic, I try never to mix friends politics, and religion* so I'll not wade into the deep end on this one except to suggest what my title asks: 

If virtualization is a religion, does that make cloud a cult?

If so, to whom do I send my tidings?  Who is the Cardinal of the Cloud?  The Pope of PaaS?  The Shaman of Service?


*…and truth be told, I'm not feeling particularly witty this morning.

Incomplete Thought: Offensive Computing – The Empire Strikes Back

March 5th, 2009 11 comments

Yesterday at IANS, Greg Shipley gave a great keynote that focused on a lot of things we do today in InfoSec that aren't necessarily as effective as they should be. Greg called for a change in our behavior as a community to address the gaps we have.

In the Q&A section, it occurred to me that for the sake of argument, I would ask Greg about his thoughts on changing our behavior and position in dealing with security and our adversaries by positing that instead of always playing defense, we should play some offense.

I didn't constrain what I meant by "offense" other to suggest that it could include "active countermeasures," but what is obvious is that people immediately throw up walls around being "offensive" without spending much time defining what it actually means.

I've written and spoken about this before, but it's a rather contentious issue. It gets shelved pretty quickly by most but it really shouldn't in my opinion.

In a follow-on discussion after the keynote, Marcus Ranum, Richard Bejtlich, Rocky DeStefano and I were standing around shooting the, uh, stuff, when I brought this up again.

We had a really interesting dialog wherein we explored what "offensive computing" meant to each of us and it was clear that simply playing defense alone would never allow us to do anything more than spend money and hope.

There's not been a war yet that has been won with defense alone, so why do we expect we can win this one by simply piling on more barbed wire when the enemy is dropping smart bombs? This is the definition of insanity and a behavior that we don't talk about changing.

"Don't spend money on AV because it's not effective" is an interesting behavioral change from the perspective of how you invest. Don't lay down and take it up the assets by only playing defense is another.

I'm being intentionally vague, obtuse and non-specific when it comes to defining what I mean by "offensive," but we're at a point in time where at a minimum we have the technology and capability to add a little "offense" to our defense.  

You want a change in behavior?  How about not playing the victim?

What are your thoughts on "offensive computing?"  

Categories: Offensive Computing Tags: