Cloud Computing Not Ready For Prime Time?
I just read another in a never-ending series of articles that takes a polarized view of Cloud Computing and its readiness for critical applications and data.
I just read another in a never-ending series of articles that takes a polarized view of Cloud Computing and its readiness for critical applications and data.
I had just finished reading Virtual Gipsy's post titled "VMware as religion" when my RSS reader featured a referential post from VM/ETC's Rich titled "vTheology: the study of virtualization as religion."
If virtualization is a religion, does that make cloud a cult?
Yesterday at IANS, Greg Shipley gave a great keynote that focused on a lot of things we do today in InfoSec that aren't necessarily as effective as they should be. Greg called for a change in our behavior as a community to address the gaps we have.
There's not been a war yet that has been won with defense alone, so why do we expect we can win this one by simply piling on more barbed wire when the enemy is dropping smart bombs? This is the definition of insanity and a behavior that we don't talk about changing.
"Don't spend money on AV because it's not effective" is an interesting behavioral change from the perspective of how you invest. Don't lay down and take it up the assets by only playing defense is another.
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