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You Keep Calling Cloud Computing “Confusing, Over-Hyped & a Buzzword” & It Will Be…

A word of unsolicited advice to those of us trying to help "sort out" Cloud Computing — myself included:

The more times we lead off a description of Cloud Computing as "Confusing," "Over-hyped" and "a Buzzword" then people are going to start to believe us.  The press is going to start to believe us.  Our customers are going to start to believe us.  Pretty soon we won't be able to escape the gravity of our own message.

Granted, we mean well in our cautious and guarded admonishment, but it's starting to wear as thin as those who promote Cloud Computing as the second coming (when we all know full well that is Fiber Channel over Token Ring.)

We don't all have to chant the same mantra and we don't have to preach rainbows and unicorns, but it's important to be accurate and balanced.

I, too, am waiting for the day Cloud Computing will wash my car, bring me a beer and make me a ham sandwich. Until that day, instead of standing around trying to look smart by telling everybody that Cloud Computing is nothing more than hot air, how about making a difference by not playing a game of bad news telephone and add something constructive.

There's value in Cloud Computing so how about we move past the "confusing, over-hyped and buzzword" stage and get to work making it straight-forward, realistic and meaningful instead.


Categories: Cloud Computing, Cloud Security Tags:
  1. February 3rd, 2009 at 03:48 | #1

    Sure there is meaning and value. Examples are easy to find but I do find the pill labeled, "Cloud Computing, Eat Me" a bit dubious. I doubt very much it will be the Nirvana being claimed. The poo-pooing of Cloud is a result of the backlash from the over-hype. A natural swing in the belief spectrum…"This is going to save lives, put men on Mars and bring back bell bottoms for $1" to "Wait a minute, CC can do that, or that, or that! Hey and what about security?"
    The IT industry is grabbing at what ever marketing wave sells services and boxes right now because they do not have anything compelling (except for Apple who has a magic wand).
    CC will be good, but not great nor the second coming. As you said, lets get down to rational thought, put down the champagne, and Russian Revolver (depending on your point of view)

  2. February 3rd, 2009 at 03:51 | #2

    Previous post Amended…(f'ing typos)
    "Wait a minute, CC can do that, or that, or that! Hey and what about security?" was meant to say, "Wait a minute, CC CAN'T do that, or that, or that! Hey and what about security?"
    *&%^$#@ (mumbling swear)

  3. February 3rd, 2009 at 04:41 | #3

    I work for a brewery (we own Millers and partner with Coors) and Cloud Computing is certainly on our CIO's list of interesting things to look at in the future. (Not just yet, thank goodness.)
    When our distribution system runs on Cloud Computing then I will let you know. So…
    "Bring me a beer".. Check.
    I'm sure that Subways also has Cloud Computing somewhere on their list but I'm not sure about "wash my car".

  4. February 3rd, 2009 at 08:06 | #4

    Hear! Hear!

  5. February 3rd, 2009 at 14:19 | #5

    Maybe the "over-hyped" mantra has been…. over-hyped?

  6. February 11th, 2009 at 04:22 | #6

    I'm surprised the definition discussion survived into 2009 when we have a pretty good definition already (developed as a 'compatible consensus' of the various definitions at the time). I also wonder why we all need to have our own "ontology", "taxonomy", "stack", etc. when it is increasingly clear that this leads to confusion and complexity.
    The vast majority of actors in the cloud computing space are (potential) users and foisting this detail (which is meant to be concealed 'in the cloud') on them does not help, particularly when the advice is often conflicting. The noise coming from this bunch of (mostly) vendors over the last 6 months or so is not helping either (particularly in the absence of any tangible deliverables on the horizon)… customers are ready to buy… today… solutions that are already available… today… and essentially telling them it's not ready is counterproductive.
    If the wildly successful Unix philosophy is to be any indication then it will be small, manageable components that will make this stuff work, not overcomplication like that which crippled the grid movement.
    I'm more looking to innovative vendors for developments, and perhaps the open source community to tie them together with a thin compatibility layer. That way you can target the 'consensus API', for want of a better word, and then manage and/or reside in the cloud of your choice.

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