Home > Travel > Off to BlackHat and DEFCON…Sunday through Saturday

Off to BlackHat and DEFCON…Sunday through Saturday

Bhcircle2Off to Vegas for BlackHat and DEFCON for all of next week.

I’ll be there from Sunday (7/29) to Saturday (8/4)

What happens in Vegas will unfortunately, undoubtedly and unnecessarily NOT stay in Vegas because the FOIA and celebrity mugshots always undermines by best intentions.  A blog plea for bail money doesn’t help, either.

If you’re going to be there (and if you’re not, why not?) then hook up with The Hoff and his merry band of "InfoSec Professionals."  Give me a ping via email ( choff [@] packetfilter [dot] com ) or SMS/Call +1.978.349.8882

If you can’t find us, look for the smoke, sirens and g00n squad.



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