Home > BeanSec! > BeanSec! 9 – May 16th – 6PM to ?

BeanSec! 9 – May 16th – 6PM to ?

Yo!  BeanSec! 9 is upon us.

BeanSec! is an informal meetup of information security professionals, researchers and academics in the Greater Boston area that meets the third Wednesday of each month.  When I’m able to attend (and that’s most of the time) I buy the booze and appetizers.  It’s how we roll.

Come get your grub on.  Lots of good people show up.  Really.

Unlike other meetings, you will not be expected to pay dues, “join up”, present a zero-day exploit, or defend your dissertation to attend.
Map to the Enormous Room in Cambridge.

Enormous Room: 567 Mass Ave, Cambridge 02139

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  1. Jeff Forman
    May 15th, 2007 at 04:31 | #1

    Hey Chris,
    It's great to finally find a group like this of IT security professionals to meet and connect with in the area. I've been working in the Boston area in network/security engineering for about the past year after graduating with a masters in IT and look forward to meeting you and others. Does the group talk shop a lot of the times, or does it follow more of the mantra "eat, drink and be merry…and maybe talk a little shop"? I dont wan't to be like the first kid out in dodgeball who doesn't know the rules of the game.
    Take care

  2. May 15th, 2007 at 07:23 | #2

    It tends to peel off into litte splinters where the talkers
    talk, the eaters eat and the drinkers make fools of themselves.
    Then there's me. I do all of the above.

  3. Mike
    May 16th, 2007 at 11:55 | #3

    Perhaps not the most rapid way to reach anyone, but, what do you think the attendance will be like? I was planning on making this my first time, but it's almost completely dark outside, here in South Boston.
    I think I'll risk the lightning.

  4. May 16th, 2007 at 12:07 | #4

    Usually we have 15-20 people. It's been windy, rainy and thunderous before. Lucky for us, we meet inside 😉
    I don't know the impact inclement weather might have on attendance, but there's only one way to tell…

  5. Jeff Forman
    May 16th, 2007 at 12:25 | #5

    i'm in north cambridge off of mass ave and its clearing up now (430pm). i can see clearly now the rain is gone….

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