Dear Mr. Schneier, I Was A Jackass & I’m Sorry…

Humble Pie
This is a particularly difficult blog to write. As humble as I try to be, I think I might have believed my own marketing for a while there. I feel badly.
Ever since I wrote this piece titled “Dear Mr. Schneier, If Cloud Is Nothing New, Why Are You Talking So Much About It?” I’ve been churning on it. I couldn’t put my finger on why I felt, well, guilty.
So here’s the rub: I added some petty color in that post that was rude and disrespectful to Bruce. Nothing major, but unnecessary. Time to own it.
When I wrote it at 1:30am out of frustration with Bruce’s comments it seemed funny at the time.
Then I re-read it the next morning and thought to myself, “that was a bit pointed for no particular reason.”
I let it slide because I don’t make a habit of editing posts once they’re up and normally, it’s just part of the shtick. I also figured he’d never read it anyway.
Then Bruce emailed me, and what he said, despite my own rationalization, really kicked me in the butt for days:
I linked to it from my blog post. I did so because it was interesting, but almost didn’t because it was rude. Honestly, your points are good enough to stand on their own.
I apologized poorly in email and annotated the post to say I was a dick, but that’s not enough because if what Bruce said is true — that my points are good enough to stand on their own — then I owe him the respect of removing the things that don’t need to be there — and shouldn’t have been in the first place.
So I’m going to do that.
You might think I’m overreacting or you might disagree with my actions as a betrayal of my supposed personality. Doesn’t matter. I should do better.
Thanks for the humility reminder, Bruce.
I still don’t agree with you, but I respect your right to an opinion. Sorry for the snark.
Chris – I am impressed with you for accepting a mistake and apologizing for it openly. As a regular reader of your blog, I know you can be a bit abrasive, though as Bruce points out, your points usually hold up!
Very big of you sir. Few people in our 'circle' would take the time to apologize for something they personally felt was a little over the line. Good on ya.
It's a fine line between being a true jackass and being passionate with opinions. I'm certain you're the latter, but I think everyone passionate at some point has to apologize for moments when it can come across as rude or when our passions blind us a bit to the words we're actually saying.
This post is part of the reason I'm a fan of your blog and work, thanks!
Hoff, you are an inspiration to us all. keep on fighting the good fight!
Thanks! You rock!
We had some fun at your expense, but in all seriousness I salute you man.
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